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How to make better renovation estimates?
Oct 10, 2022
How to make better renovation estimates? Austin
By   Internet
  • Guide
  • Renovation estimates
  • renovation comparison
  • renovation checklist
Abstract: Renovation estimation is an important part of buying a house, and using the right estimation method can help you make a better choice in your house.

If a house looks cheap but requires a lot of renovations in the future, it is not as cost effective as a slightly more expensive but ready to move in immediately.

Therefore, estimating the cost of a house renovation is a very important part of the process.


The following estimation methods are introduced.


Method 1, compare similar renovations.


This is probably the easiest and fastest way to budget for renovation. You can ask your friends who have decorated, and check online to find out the cost of other people's houses of roughly the same size.

The advantage of this method is that it is simple and fast, but the accuracy is poor.

This is because even if the house is the same age and the same type of house, the cost may be very different due to different decoration plans.


Method 2, list calculation.


If you have a little more time, you can choose the list calculation method. When you enter the house, prepare a pen and paper and write down every point you wish to decorate.

For example, floor replacement, bathtub replacement, kitchen cabinet replacement, bathroom tiling, etc.


Then make an estimate after each project and finally come up with a total price range. For how to know the price of each decorating point, you can refer to several websites for data, this method is much more accurate than the first method, but it takes longer



Method 3, sketching consultation.


It is the safest way to know the renovation budget when the engineer or construction team is on site.

However, sometimes there is a conflict between the engineer's or the construction team's time and the viewing time, and it may happen that the appointment cannot be made.

So there is a simpler way that does not require accommodating the engineer's or construction team's time and also allows them to participate in the evaluation. This is the sketch consultation method.


You can draw your own sketch of the general plan of the house and the dimensions of each floor, indicating the dimensions and quantities, and then send the sketch with dimensions to a professional engineer or construction team for evaluation.


The professional can use the sketch you provide to understand how much flooring needs to be replaced, how long walls need to be removed; how much area needs to be painted, etc.

With this information, the professional can make a preliminary estimate of the amount of materials to be used, the time required for the workers to work, etc. and give a quote.

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How to make better renovation estimates?