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What are the monthly house repairs?
Oct 11, 2022
What are the monthly house repairs? Austin
By   Internet
  • Guide
  • House installations
  • security alarms
  • maintenance
Abstract: A good monthly home inspection and maintenance can prevent more costly repairs to it later.

Routine maintenance of the house is essential, and the aspects of maintenance vary from month to month of the year.



Clean the inside of the refrigerator and freezer, as well as the hairline in the back.

Drain the water heater storage, clean the sediment from the bottom and remember to lock the drain valve back in place when you are done.




Check if the sealant at the window and door seam locations is old or broken, which can cause air to enter the windows and doors.

Check that water coming out of the drain is not accumulating near the outer wall.




Check safety devices such as fire alarms, smoke and carbon monoxide alarm species, and burglary.

Turn off the humidifier and clean the furnace.




Clean fireplaces and do post-season inspections.




Replace all dripping faucets.

Check house security, all locks on doors leading to the outdoors and outdoor lighting.




Check security devices such as fire alarms, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, and burglary.

Check the cold water pipes in the basement for condensation.

Check windows and doors for the need to lubricate.




Check the exterior walls for any paint loss or water accumulation.

Hire professional technicians to conduct regular inspections of heating furnaces.

Check the chimney outlet and each heater air outlet.

If the home has central cooling, open the humidifier dampers and clean the humidifier.

Inspect fireplaces and chimneys.




During the first week, clean the filters or dust screens on the heater vents, exhaust fans, and hoods.

Check and replace window and door seam seals.


Second week, drain outdoor water pipes to prevent freezing and cracking of water pipes.


Week 3, check if the fertilizer tank needs to be emptied before spring.


Prepare the plants for the winter.


Week 4, clean flat roof or eaves to remove leaves and debris from water streams.

Check if the structure of water stream is stable.




Check for sloping, bent, warped or loose floors, which can tell if there may be problems with the structure of the home.

Check for safety devices such as fire alarms, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, and burglary.




Check windows and doors for ice buildup, which can indicate that the house is not adequately insulated or has cracks that leak air.


Checking windows and doors for ice buildup indicates that the house is not adequately insulated or has cracks that leak drafts.




Whether there will be ice pellets or icicles outdoors, clean the roof and find out where the heat and snow have melted.


Check kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms for water or moisture.




Check that all railings and handrails are secure.


Check safety devices such as fire alarms, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, and burglar alarms.


Just as we regularly maintain and change the oil in our cars, we need to spend a lot of time and energy taking care of our houses.


Repairing leaking roofs, rotten wood, damaged windows and doors, clogged gutters, etc., can actually be avoided before problems occur, so it is recommended that quarterly observations and regular inspections of the house be conducted during the change of seasons.

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What are the monthly house repairs?