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How to Negotiate Repairs After a Home Inspection: Bargaining Tips for Buyers
Jul 10, 2023
How to Negotiate Repairs After a Home Inspection: Bargaining Tips for Buyers Austin
By   Cathie Ericson
  • City News
  • Home inspections
  • maintenance negotiations
  • home buying
Abstract: If you're buying a home, you'll want to know how to negotiate on repairs after a home inspection.

As much as you'd like to start haggling with the seller so your new home is as clean and tidy as possible when you move in, that's not realistic, warns Kyle Springer, a real estate expert with Coldwell Banker in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Instead, Springer advises, "focus your time and attention on the major, structural issues, not the cosmetic ones."


So if that cracked panel upsets you, then go to the hardware store and spend a few bucks on another one, rather than adding it to a long list of repair requests - which will undoubtedly annoy the seller.


So what repairs fall into the "need" and "want" categories? Read on to find out.


Necessary repairs after a home inspection


The following are two items that must be repaired by the seller:


Any water infiltration issues, such as a wet basement or moldy walls


Safety issues that violate local codes, such as missing handrails or an unstable deck


If you have a mortgage, your lender may require certain repairs to be made before you can surrender the loan. Therefore, certain repairs listed on the home appraisal report must also be repaired.


Common home repair requirements (but you may not get them)


The following are some common items on a buyer's home repair list, although the seller may or may not be willing to fix them:

 How to Negotiate Repairs After a Home Inspection: Bargaining Tips for Buyers

If the house was built before the 1960s, upgrade electrical wiring that is not grounded


Replace old galvanized water pipes or any leaking pipes


Make roof repairs


Replace disintegrating downspouts


Upgrade heating/cooling systems and water heaters


Back up your request with research


It's easy to stare at a potential problem with your eyes and say "that looks like water damage" or "that roof looks a little worn". But it's a whole different story when there's evidence of how extensive the damage is and an estimate of what it would cost to fix it. The more detail and support you can provide, the better.


That's why home inspections are so important; it helps when sellers hear about it from a professional. For example, telling a seller that you want to repair the porch because it feels rickety won't be convincing unless a professional home inspector submits a report on structural damage to the porch.


Ask for a repair credit


Instead of having the seller coordinate and pay for the work, ask for a "repair credit," which means the buyer will deduct the cost of repairs from the home price.


Scott Brown, owner of Brightside Home Inspections in Syracuse, N.Y., recommends asking for a repair credit for any problems over $500. This actually works to the buyer's advantage because the seller no longer has a vested interest in making sure the work will be done properly.


"Otherwise, the home seller will almost always find the cheapest contractor or family member to fix the problem," Brown says." Meanwhile, you as the buyer will of course choose the best contractor."


Aviva Friedlander contributed to this report.

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How to Negotiate Repairs After a Home Inspection: Bargaining Tips for Buyers